New for Term 4 2024, Friday Soft Ball cricket is intended to provide a more gentle path into the game for new Year 4 - 7 players, for those who are not yet confident enough to try Saturday cricket which uses harder balls and protective gear, or just want to have a fun smash with friends without necessarily progressing to "traditional" cricket.  It also doesn't require giving up a Saturday morning!


The format is "Super 8s" with teams of 8 players batting in pairs of 2, rotating around so that everyone bowls 2 overs, every batter faces 12 balls, and every fielder has a chance at different positions.  Batters do not leave the crease when "out" so will always face 12 balls. 

Players will use a yellow plastic ball that is a lot lighter and softer than the typical ball at these age levels for Saturday cricket, so no protective gear is required.   Either plastic or wooden bats can be used and all gear is supplied.


Predominantely Year 5 - 6s with some Year 4s and 7s allowed.


5 games on Friday Nov 1, 8, 22, 29 and December 6.

Games start at 4:30PM and will last approximately 1.5 - 2 hours.


Game location depends on how many teams enter into the competition - if there are not enough teams from this side of town, games may be at Hagley Park.  However, we are hopeful that enough teams will join that we can have a "North East Hub" in which case games will either be at home in Parklands or nearby at Shirley or New Brighton.

How Much?

Parklands Cricket are charging just $15 for all 5 games - the lowest fee in the North East.  The club is subsidising the entry fee to try to get as many kids to have a go as possible. 

What to Wear/Bring?

An older style playing shirt will be provided to return after the 5 games - this is to keep the fee as low as possible.  There is no other gear/clothing requirement.

Please make sure players bring a hat and are in comfortable running shoes.

What Happens After The Program?

If the program is successful, it is likely to run again in Term 1.  Parklands Cricket will also support players who wish to progress to a Saturday "Super 8s" cricket team for the second half of the cricket season - this is the same format but uses a harder ball with some protective gear required.


Click here to register for Term 4 2024 - please note that this is the same form as for Saturday Cricket registrations, make sure to select the "Friday" option in the drop-down when registering, and you can ignore any questions in the registration form about mid-week practices.

When registering, you will first need to create a login for the New Zealand Cricket PlayHQ system, and can then continue to register your child.


Please contact us at