The Parklands United Sports Club welcomes your Touch team entry for the 2024/2025 social competition at Parklands Reserve.​​​​​​​

Grades Available

An Adult Mixed Grade - six-a-side module with the maximum number of males allowed on the field is three.

Competition Grades

The organisers will notify all teams after the second playing night of the grade that they are entered into.  As the grades are dependent on team numbers, the organisers may need a week to analyse entries.

Dates of Competition

The competition will be played on Friday nights, commencing 25 October 2024 until 6 December 2024, resuming after Christmas on 24 January 2025 and finishing the season 21 March 2025.

A managers meeting will be held in the Parklands United Clubrooms, 75 Queenspark Drive, on Thursday 24th October at 7.30pm - At least one member for each team must attend.


Team fees must be paid with team registration.  The Club reserves the right to exclude any team that registers without payment.  The fee this year is $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) per team and must be paid in full by 29 November 2024. 

If your team is not financial by then the team will be stood down until the fees are paid in full.

  • Bank Details – Parklands United Sports Club – 03-1597-0013393-00
  • Reference – Touch Fees & Team Name

Registrations - close Friday 4th October 2024

Touch teams need to be registered on Sporty Website with player name, D.O.B., address, phone number and email address (this is a requirement from Touch New Zealand)

Link for registrations – one for Team Registration and one for each player is needed to be completed - Registrations now available at https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/304187

  • Players can only play in one team – no exceptions this year

A written team list with ALL registered players, D.O.B., email address and phone number needs to be handed in at the Team Meeting or the first game night.

Team Uniforms

All teams must have a uniform top at least.  You are asked that they be numbered on either the back or the sleeves, as this does assist the referees. 

Official Results

All official results up to the previous week will be available on the Club Website – www.parklandsunited.co.nz or with the Organiser on the field each week.


Parklands United Sports Club is making a determined effort to ensure all games have one if not two referees who have been trained.  If your team has someone who wishes to referee (they get paid per game plus a drink in the clubrooms) please let me know – the Club is willing to put touch players through a touch referee’s course with Touch Canterbury if anyone is interested. The core referees will be paid for each game that they referee - $10.00 per game.


The Clubrooms will be open every Friday night for the teams after playing to socialise. We encourage you to join your team members in the clubrooms after the game.  Hot food is also available to purchase.

This is to encourage teams to come into the clubrooms each week and socialise as well as play their games on the reserve.

End of Season Finals

Semi-finals will be played in each Division – 1st plays 4th and 2nd plays 3rd

The winners of these two games will play in the final on the last night of the season.  There will be friendly games for all other teams on both nights if the teams wish to play.


  • 3 points for a win
  • 1 point for a draw
  • 0 points for a loss
  • -3 points for a default

  • Touch Downs
    - 1 point for a Male
    - 2 points for a Female

All games will commence at half hourly intervals starting at 6.30 pm with the last game finishing at 8.30 pm.  We will have 5 fields available each night.

All players must be in uniform with numbered shirts from the first night of competition.


In the event of there being a draw over placing’s, the winner will be decided on touch down points.  

If this still remains a draw then touchdowns against will be the decider. The final decision is made by the Touch Committee of the Parklands United Sports Club.  

Prize Money (subject to numbers entered)

DIV. 1

  • 1st - $350
  • 2nd - $225
  • 3rd - $100

DIV. 2

  • 1st - $250
  • 2nd - $150
  • 3rd - $75

DIV. 3

  • 1st - $250
  • 2nd - $150
  • 3rd - $50

Cancellations & Defaults 

– you can ring Debbie Newman on 027 275 8541. 

A decision will be made by 4.00 pm on the Friday and your Team Manager will receive a text to advise the decision, it will also be on the website and club Facebook Page.

If you are wanting to find out more information then please contact parklandstouch@gmail.com